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   Google 在2018年3月正式啟動「Google 智慧台灣計畫(Intelligent Taiwan)」,目的是為推展AI相關教育、培養相關人才。其中一個項目是要培育臺灣超過5萬名數位行銷軟體人才,於是推出了一系列完全免費的數位學程。


基礎數位行銷軟體學程是經歐洲互動廣告局認可的免費課程,徹底掌握數位行銷軟體的基本概念。共有 26 個主題供您探索,課程均由 Google 培訓員設計,提供豐富的實用練習與真實範例,幫您學以致用 (學習時間約40小時)。






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5. 主題小考及結業測驗

6. 結業後,提供專屬認證資格證明 (可連結至Linkedin或其他履歷)





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登入後,點選右上認證後,就可以按開始學程囉! 另外,報名實體課程也是完全免費的,之後再寫文章分享。








每個主題 (共26個) 包含數個課程,每個課程都有Google精心製作的教學影片及生動有趣的課後測驗,另外,也可以點選閱讀完整講稿」以快速瀏覽影片內容。不過第一次接觸數位行銷軟體的同學,還是建議可看影片加深印象。若您以充分了解該主題,可以點選左邊選單的「直接參加主題小考」進行考試,完成後可跳過該主題。您也可以隨時返回任意主題複習。












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基礎數位行銷軟體認證 主題小考解答全攻略














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結業考試100%正解 (中文版)





Question 1


A. 規劃預算

B. 擬定計劃

C. 調整網站內容

D. 定義客群


Question 2


A. 可確保所有人都能看到您的廣告

B. 可獲得較高的點閱率

C. 能以各種不同的格式放送

D. 設定費用較低


Question 3


A. 技術

B. 成本

C. 範圍

D. 開業多久


Question 4

您發現每當有人上線瀏覽您的產品圖片時,您的轉換量或銷售量就會隨之提升。 請問您可以將這項分析結果應用在下列哪一個客戶接觸點上?

A. 購物車

B. 網誌內容

C. YouTube

D. 社群媒體


Question 5


A. 瞭解您的目標對象

B. 依據您的業務目標,修改公司經營理念

C. 確立目標及獨特賣點

D. 定義並區隔您的目標對象




Question 6


A. 將圖片放在文字中的適當位置

B. 讓圖片更吸睛

C. 為圖片加註商標

D. 為圖片加上描述性名稱

Question 7

填空題:「搜尋引擎會在網際網路上 _________,以找出使用者需要的內容。」

A. 建立索引

B. 檢索

C. 調查

D. 排名


Question 8


A. 讓排名超越許多名聲更響亮、規模更大的企業

B. 挖掘更多商機

C. 獲得比短尾關鍵字更多的流量

D. 提高網站在社群媒體上的成效


Question 9

為您的網站爭取更多反向連結,是提高搜尋引擎最佳化成效的絕佳方法之一。 以下哪一項最佳做法有助於吸引使用者透過反向連結造訪您的網站?

A. 付錢給使用者

B. 撰寫一些可帶給使用者實質助益的優質內容

C. 要求員工透過反向連結造訪自家網站

D. 先連結至其他網站再說,不論這些網站的內容有趣與否


Question 10

從搜尋引擎最佳化的角度來提升網站成效的方法有很多種, 建立連結即為一例。請問下列哪一項有關「建立連結」的敘述是正確的?

A. 連結的數量比品質重要

B. 連結的品質比數量重要

C. 在網站的程式碼中加入隱藏的連結,有助於提升網站的搜尋引擎最佳化成效

D. 在網站的圖片中加入隱藏的連結,有助於提升網站的搜尋引擎最佳化成效


Question 11

填空題:就搜尋引擎行銷軟體廣告活動的管理而言,若想提高品質分數,最有效的方法便是增加關鍵字、廣告和到達網頁的 _________

A. 關聯性

B. 轉換次數

C. 點擊次數

D. 重要性


Question 12


A. 您的廣告出現在搜尋結果中

B. 您的網站上有轉換發生

C. 有人點擊您的廣告

D. 有人在您的網站上停留超過 2 分鐘


Question 13


A. 半形引號 " "

B. 撇號 ' '

C. 斜體

D. 方括號 [ ]


Question 14


A. 網站首頁

B. 訂單確認網頁

C. 訂單網頁

D. 「與我們聯絡」網頁




Question 15

數位行銷軟體除了有助於提升產品在全球各地的銷售量, 也能幫助當地商家締造良好成效。 請問「本地商家」一詞所指為何?

A. 在特定地理位置營運的商家

B. 與客戶相距不超過 5 公里的商家

C. 在特定社區營運超過 5 年的商家

D. 只提供服務型產品的商家


Question 16

填空題:在當地宣傳您的商家時,搜尋引擎能夠趁著使用者位在您商家附近時,在搜尋結果網頁中 _______________ 您的商家。

A. 優先顯示

B. 突顯

C. 隱藏

D. 宣傳


Question 17


A. 小眾平台上的使用者更樂於與您互動

B. 您的內容將能向特定的客群曝光

C. 您的內容將能向各種客群曝光,進而獲得更多瀏覽及按讚次數

D. 可提高您的品牌在其他社群媒體平台上曝光的機率


Question 18

事前擬定計劃,可幫助您全心全意達成特定目標。 在您著手擬定社群媒體計劃時,應將以下哪一項要素納入考慮?

A. 目標客群的資料

B. 目標客群的興趣

C. 目標客群的可動用收入

D. 目標客群的線下行為

Question 19

隨著用手機上網的人數日益增加,您也勢必需要將網站最佳化,讓使用者用手機上網搜尋時能夠更輕鬆地找到您的網站。 如果要提高手機版網站的搜尋引擎最佳化成效,則應著手改善下列哪兩項要素?

A. 網站速度及易用性

B. 關鍵字和中繼資料

C. 圖片大小及導覽方式

D. 網站速度及外觀


Question 20


A. 針對各種裝置最佳化

B. 充滿視覺魅力

C. 包含大量與使用者切身相關的資訊

D. 以文字為主


Question 21



A. 放送量身訂製的內容,讓每位客戶感到自己受到重視,並將他們的個人現有資料列為考量因素

B. 減少內容行銷軟體管道的數量,只使用包含最多推薦連結的管道,以節省開支

C. 找出看過您的內容的目標對象,並在未來將他們設為指定目標,以提高銷售量

D. 適時修正內容行銷軟體策略,並將現有的資料和指標列為考量因素




Question 22


A. 可重複使用相同的範本

B. 所有範本都是免費的

C. 可直接沿用網站的設計元素

D. 範本在行動裝置上的顯示效果較佳


Question 23


A. 搜尋廣告

B. 再攬客

C. 重複廣告

D. 行銷軟體


Question 24


A. 更容易獲得點擊

B. 費用更便宜

C. 支援多種格式

D. 可向正在搜尋特定字詞的客戶投放


Question 25


A. 促銷活動和特殊優惠

B. 為客戶量身打造的訊息

C. 因地制宜的訊息

D. 產品快照及詳情


Question 26


A. 在其他人的影片中打廣告

B. 對其他人的影片留言

C. 分享其他人的影片

D. 與其他人的影片互動


Question 27


A. 製作引人入勝的內容

B. 詳細說明影片的內容

C. 為影片加上清楚的品牌標誌

D. 在影片中加入行動號召




Question 28


A. 使用者存取網站所使用的瀏覽器

B. 造訪您網站的不重複訪客

C. 使用者在您網站上停留的時間

D. 每次造訪所瀏覽的網頁數量


Question 29


A. 轉換

B. 計時

C. 指標

D. 維度


Question 30


A. 在搜尋引擎行銷軟體廣告帳戶中提高出價

B. 取得分析資料,並藉此找出有待加強的部分

C. 建立成效更好的社群媒體商家資料

D. 在其他國家/地區放送廣告


Question 31


A. 劃分

B. 取樣

C. 區隔

D. 擷取


Question 32


A. 可幫您做出明智的決定,並提高數位成效

B. 數位資料永不出錯

C. 可幫您省下線下分析費用

D. 可幫您自動觸及更多客戶


Question 33


A. 資料量越龐大,需要的處理時間也越長

B. 您無法在網路上儲存大量資料

C. 唯有適時運用正確的資料,才能充分發揮其價值

D. 試算表所能儲存的資料量有其上限




Question 34


A. 建立包含完善付款系統的線上商店

B. 設定網頁介面良好的轉帳支付軟體,例如 PA. yPA. l

C. 投資架設新的網站平台

D. 改用其他平台,例如 eB. A. y Etsy


Question 35


A. 庫存控管

B. 一氣呵成的發票開立功能

C. 可追蹤出貨情形

D. 自動化的申訴處理系統


Question 36


A. 適合各種裝置的瀏覽、導覽介面體驗和搜尋

B. 適合各種裝置的瀏覽體驗,以及社群媒體商家資料

C. 電子郵件範本和社群媒體商家資料

D. 導覽介面、搜尋和影片廣告活動


Question 37

填空題:構思產品網頁的版面配置時,請務必按照 ________ 來依序顯示產品。

A. 價格

B. 階層

C. 隨機變數

D. 字母




Question 38


A. 利用線上工具,瞭解您的產品在哪些地區的需求量最高

B. 將所有業務活動移轉至該國家/地區進行

C. 選擇特定的國家/地區 (數量越多越好),並將您目前的業務模式複製至該處

D. 購買該國家/地區的新網域


Question 39

填空題:跨國放送廣告時,您應設法讓您的業務在新市場的眼中看起來 ______,並顧及 ___________ ___________ 層面的任何潛在問題。

A. 平易近人 | 供應鏈 | 法律

B. 物美價廉 | 供應鏈 | 語言

C. 刺激誘人 | 客戶需求 | 貨幣

D. 物美價廉 | 客戶需求 | 法律


Question 40


A. 對所有社群媒體管道一視同仁

B. 使用當地的流行用語

C. 分析當地的熱門社群平台

D. 完全不打廣告,因為社群廣告在其他國家/地區可能不受歡迎







結業考試範本1 - 英文版對照



Question 1

What’s The Biggest Challenge For Most Businesses When Going Online?

A.    Planning a budget

B.    Developing a plan

C.    Optimising a website

D.    Defining a customer base


Question 2

When looking to advertise a new business online, what is one of the major benefits of display ads?

A.    They are seen by everyone

B.    They have higher click-through rate

C.    They can come in many different formats

D.    They don’t cost too much to set up


Question 3

When considering whether to have a web presence for your business, which of the following is not a major factor?

A.    Technology

B.    Cost

C.    Scope

D.   How long you’ve been in business


Question 4

You notice that when people see images of your products online, you have an increase in conversions or sales. Which customer touchpoint could you use to take advantage of this insight?

A.    Shopping bags

B.    Blog content

C.    YouTube

D.   Social media


Question 5

Which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy?

A.    Understand the target audience

B.    Change your mission statement to match the goals

C.    Create goals and identify a USP

D.    Define and segment your audiences


Question 6

Search engines see the content on a website as written code, how can you help search engines identify the images on your website?

A.    Place them well within your text

B.    Make them eye-catching

C.    Put branding on them

D.   Give them descriptive names


Question 7

Fill the blank: ‘Search engines _________ the internet to discover content.’

A.    index

B.    crawl

C.    investigate

D.    rank


Question 8

When looking to optimise the performance of a website to improve its search engine ranking, using ‘long tail keyword terms’ in your SEO plan often allows you to…

A.    Outrank lots of larger, more established companies

B.    Find more opportunities

C.    See more traffic than short tail keywords

D.    Perform better on social media


Question 9

Gaining backlinks to your website is a great way to improve the SEO performance. What best practice will encourage people to link back to your site?

A.    Pay people to link back to your site

B.    Write some great content they will find useful

C.    Ensure your staff link back to your site

D.    Link to them first, regardless of whether they have anything interesting on their site


Question 10

There are many ways you can improve the performance of a website from an SEO perspective. When it comes to link building which of the following statements is accurate?

A.    The quantity of links is important, not the quality

B.    The quality of links is important, not the quantity

C.    Links hidden within code on sites improves your SEO performance

D.    Links hidden within images on sites improves your SEO performance


Question 11

Fill the blank: When managing SEM campaigns, the best way to optimise your quality score is to improve the _________ of your keywords, adverts, and landing pages.

A.   relevance

B.    conversion

C.    clicks

D.    importance


Question 12

When advertising using Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you only pay…

A.    when your ad appears within the search results

B.    when a conversion happens on your website

C.    when your ad is clicked by someone

D.    when someone stays on your website for more than 2 minutes


Question 13

When fine-tuning paid search ads, you change a broad-match keyword to a phrase-match keyword using which symbol?

A.   Quotation marks

B.    Apostrophes

C.    Italics

D.    Square brackets


Question 14

If you want to track a completed order in your website, what would be a proper place to add the conversion tracking code?

A.    Website’s homepage

B.    Order confirmation page

C.    Order form page

D.    Contact us page


Question 15

Digital marketing isn’t just about selling your products internationally. It can be used to great effect for local businesses. What do we mean by ‘local businesses’?

A.   A business that operates from a specific geographic location

B.    A business that is within a 5km radius from the customer

C.    A business that has existed within a community for more than 5 years

D.    A business that only provides a service based product


Question 16

Fill the blank: When it comes to promoting a business locally, search engines can _______________ your business in the search results page if the user is near your location.

A.   prioritise

B.    highlight

C.    hide

D.    promote


Question 17

There are lots of social media platforms out there, but what is a benefit of using smaller, more niche social media platforms for your business?

A.    People on niche platforms are more likely to engage with you

B.    Your content will be put in front of specific audiences

C.    Your content will be seen by a mix of different people, gaining more views and likes

D.    It enhances your brand to be seen on more specific social media platforms


Question 18

Building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. What should you consider when making your social media plan?

A.    Your audience’s data

B.    Your audience’s interests

C.    You audience’s available income

D.    Your audience’s offline behaviour


Question 19

With more and more users using mobile to look at websites, it is key that you optimise your site so users can find it when searching online. Which two elements should you look to optimise for improved SEO performance?

A.   Site speed and usability

B.    Keywords and metadata

C.    Image size and navigation

D.    Site speed and visual appearance


Question 20

Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what?

A.   Optimised for different devices

B.    Visually engaging

C.    Full of relevant information

D.    Text heavy


Question 21

Which of the following actions would be most effective for a business to take in order to help them progress towards achieving their content marketing goals?

A.    Personalising content to make each customer feel important, taking into account available data about each individual customer.

B.    Reducing the number of channels used for content marketing to only those channels with the highest referral numbers, thus saving money

C.    Identifying audiences who view their content, and ensuring those specific audiences get targeted in the future, with the aim of increasing sales

D.   Refining their content marketing strategy as they go, taking into account available data and metrics


Question 22

What is one of the benefits of using templates for your email marketing campaigns?

A.   You can reuse the same template

B.    They are always free

C.    You can duplicate the design of your website

D.    Templates work better on mobile


Question 23

Which form of targeting would you use to display ads to people who have previously visited your website?

A.    Search advertising

B.    Reacquiring

C.    Readvertising

D.   Retargeting

Question 24

Which of the following is a benefit of search advertising over display advertising?

A.    Search ads are more likely to be clicked on

B.    Search advertising is cheaper than display advertising

C.    Search advertising allows ads to be created in multiple formats

D.   Search advertising is shown to customers who are searching for your specific terms


Question 25

When using display advertising, what could you include in an ad to achieve the goal of driving more sales?

A.   Promotions and special offers

B.    Personalised messages

C.    Location specific information

D.    Product shots and detailed information


Question 26

How can your business benefit from video without making one yourself?

A.   Advertising on other people’s videos

B.    Commenting on other people’s videos

C.    Sharing other people’s videos

D.    Interacting with other people’s videos


Question 27

What can you do to help your videos appear in search results?

A.    Make the content really interesting

B.    Give detailed descriptions of its content

C.    Clearly brand your videos

D.    Include calls to action within the videos


Question 28

When using analytics programmes on your website, which of these do not fall under the category of a metric?

A.   Browser users use to access your site

B.    Unique visitors to your site

C.    Time users spend on your site

D.    Number of pages viewed per visit


Question 29

In the world of analytics, the time the user spent on your site is considered which type of data?

A.   Conversion

B.    Clocking

C.    Metric

D.   Dimension


Question 30

When using web-based analytics tools, by segmenting the data you will be able to achieve which of the following?

A.    Bid higher within your SEM advertising account

B.    Find insights that can help you identify where to make improvements

C.    Build better social media profiles

D.    Run advertising in other countries around the world


Question 31

How do you handle data in analytics to gain greater insights into our audience’s behaviour?

A.    Partition

B.    Sample

C.    Segment

D.    Extract


Question 32

What is the benefit of using digital data?

A.   It can help you make informed decisions and improve online performance

B.    Digital data is always 100% accurate

C.    Digital data allows you to save money on offline analytics

D.    Using digital data allows you to automatically reach more customers


Question 33

Why should you avoid focusing on collecting as much data as possible?

A.    Vast quantities of data will take a long time to process

B.    Large amounts of data are harder to store online

C.    The right information, at the right time, is more valuable

D.    Spreadsheets have a limit on the amount of information they can store


Question 34

When looking to introduce e-commerce functions to your website, which of the following would be the best first step?

A.    Build an online store with an integrated payment system

B.    Set up a web-based money transfer software like PayPal

C.    Invest in a new website platform

D.    Use other platforms such as eBay or Etsy



Question 35

Which of these is not a benefit for businesses using fully integrated e-commerce platforms?

A.    Stock control

B.    Integrated invoicing

C.    The ability to track shipping

D.   Automated complaints process system


Question 36

Analytics can help optimise your website for which of the following?

A.   For different devices, navigation & search

B.    For different devices & social media profiles

C.    For email templates & social media profiles

D.    For navigation, search & video campaigns


Question 37

Fill in the blank: When you are considering the layout of the product pages, it is important to put them in ________ order?

A.    price

B.    hierarchical

C.    a constantly changing

D.    alphabetical


Question 38

Fill in the blank: When considering expanding a business internationally, the best place to start is to__________?

A.   use online tools to help you understand where there’s a strong demand for your products

B.    move the whole business to that country

C.    replicate your current business in as many countries as possible

D.    buy new domains for the country


Question 39

Fill the blanks: When advertising internationally, you should make your business ______ to the new market, consider the ___________ and any possible ___________ implications.

A.   accessible | supply chain | legal

B.    affordable | supply chain | language

C.    exciting | customers needs | currency

D.    affordable | customer needs | legal


Question 40

When looking to expand your business internationally on social media, what should you do first?

A.    Treat all social media channels the same

B.    Use popular phrases and memes for that area

C.    Analyse platforms popular in that area

D.    Not advertise at all, as other countries don’t like social advertising


